GG's to Kidvid glad to see you back in action! GG's to social ruin man I can barely contain your lei once you get hot. I really just get a kick...
If your patient, and you wanna get good fast, its the easiest way I think. The VF 5 strat guide is also very good i heard. I think ima order it
[img] KoD, between me and you, you made me cry tonight [img]
GG's to Vanilla Tears (mmmmm...) People don't realize how much i tend to fuzzy & ill stay down for high strings and low attacks sometimes. GG's...
If yohans going I'm going FOR SURE!!!
apparently ppp looks more like a normal ppp. YAY imo
He should have two new items. One of them should be a baseball cap and the other should be a red and white shirt. ...oh and FATALITY!
Looks like the ppp string has changed (all non-fei's rejoice!), and the 236p+k has one of the new effects on sabaki
Good games to my brother Monty Burns hahahaha! Your Shun is top contending now thanks to your best sibling's advice (I invented that hopping...
he gets 0, as in -zero- ass but hes still cool
T-Fam I'm dedicating this piece of fried Chicken to you man!
well, i guess there isn't anything right about Jeffry Machine Gun Fisting her.
I say Dural! You can't play her online what a frickin failure! She didn't even make the cut!
Pay attention to which half-circ's you can throw, as 90% of people I play evade away from the screen. This won't dramatically improve your game...
damn what is it with one of goh's circular throws? why is the titty punch so powerful? Use TEs or its seksual harassment! ...I will say this,...
Re: Lei Fei's Top 10 Moves lololol i should use that one a bit more huh?
You gotta go through me! C'mon boh'!
To eliminate any lingering confusion [img] [img]
Oh and unexpected yet Good Games to Shinn Akira it's rediculously fun playing against you.
Re: attacking opponent backturned techroll using l another set-up for ya guys BT [img] (CH), doku [img] [img] > hai [img] + [img]
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