Welcome Bacardi [img]. First post updated!
Stream is up and running!
AM2's Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Website state that it is Lindbergh...I think AM2 is pretty reliable [img]
above post was made private...try this one from a different point of view (skip to 1m30s) [media]
Berzerk - do you know if there will be a Sega Rep at the event or are you responsible for the dev kits [img] ?
Master Guide - Pre-Version A Current version in Japan Arcade is Version A Revision 1 In Southtown Arcade events - it is the arcade board Version...
For fans of baseball or the film "The Ring" [media]
Thanks for scouting out the area [img]. If there is nothing major planned before the party, I most likely will eat somewhere close to the venue...
Welcome Gamegenie222 !
Added to the first post AlexMD's poster to the first post. Looks really good [img] I think AlexMD mentioned 2 PS3 dev kit will be available for...
[IMG] The third out of five VF5FS tournaments to be held at San Francisco's Southtown Arcade (STA) will be streamed on Iplaywinner, April 27,...
Re: South Town Arcade VF5FS Tournament Series Top Three for this Friday's tournament will be given autographed VF5 Arcade Cards. [img]
First post updated. Also added news sections to help VFDCers plan things out (travel arrangements, pre-party and post-party activities). Edit:...
Yes 12 frame for the jab to execute from beginning to finish, 13 frame for the kick portion of the string to execute.
Re: Itabashi Zangief and Fuudo joins Team Razer He still plays Virtua Fighter - he recently participated in the morning preliminary qualifiers...
[IMG] Itabashi Zangief and Fuudo have officially been signed by Razer to represent the professional gaming hardware company and also to help with...
Neat time lapse video of a child from birth to 12 years old. <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/40448182" width="560" height="315"...
Updated first post with live stream information and countdown timer :P Also updated the list of VFDC members that will be attending the event,...
I remember reading your Xbox live thread and you showing me a version of the website in the past. Sounds very interesting. I hope it turns out...
Re: VF5FS Pre-Release Party Invitations Are Sent Hi Galz and Aqua_Snake - see you at the party! Anyone else that got an invite, post it in the...
Separate names with a comma.