All the brackets for Sunday evening tournaments have been made and emailed. Please check your email and signed into the challonge bracket from...
Rampage - before you can participate, please provide the required information to be put in the VF Circuit please. Everyone above this post have...
Shag and Marly - sure Griever - you should have received 2 emails (one from Challonge and one from me)
no problem thanks for the update.
VF Circuit 360 League Round Robin #2 - Sunday, August 12th Europe Brackets
Thanks Feck! PS3 Round Robin Japan was completed last weekend. The postponed PS3 Round Robin will continue this Sunday ~ 8 PM your local time...
[IMG] This Saturday, August 4th is Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown - Tougeki (or Super Battle Opera) 2012 3on3 Tournament! VF5FS tournament begins...
Music from the original Virtua Fighter 5, R, and Final Showdown are available for download at selected countries on iTunes! You can check out...
SilentNephilim - are you by any chance using wireless? I have been making brackets based on people living close to each other.
If you look at my quote I put "track" in quotations. It is a term others have used during VF4 to talk about the properties of the moves being...
Yeah Tougeki Final Showdown is this Saturday, was planning on making an individual news topic on it. Gotta go to work right now though.
According to what is known, a successful evade or successful defensive move cannot be shorten or cancelled. A failed evade or failed defensive...
The last 3 days I have not got disconnected, so hopefully this is just the "regular" disconnects and not the frequent disconnects experienced over...
Updated those confirmed for Sunday - the same blue color. Those that cannot make it, but was registered for last Sunday (are highlighted in a...
[IMG] Every week, we will try to put up an Upcoming Events News Headline to bring more awareness of some VF events around the world. London,...
I'm sure this is still going on.
HI Cnul - I think there is a misunderstanding (took me a while to be back in dojo). Something lost in translation? The input button causes...
Since someone PMed me about it, the PS3 League Round Robins for Europe and North America will be happening this Sunday. Those that have signed...
Z3ROFUN - thanks for uploading. If people have captured videos from the round robins, please post it here, and I will update the front post....
Oops my bad, the links are bad also. Fixed
Separate names with a comma.