VF Project (Early Build Stage 1 of 3, 85% done). 266 Shun images uploading. 2930 images total so far. Taka, Vanessa, and Wolf left.
DomAug - thanks for hosting. Hope tonight turns out better for you.
VF Project (Early Build Stage 1 of 3, 80% done). 213 Dural images uploaded :P. 2664 images total so far. Work on VF Circuit next.
VF Project (Early Build Stage 1 of 3, 75% done). 162 Pai and 194 Sarah images uploaded. 2451 images total so far. Work on VF Circuit next.
JacobEvo - I don't think so
They are listed in this link (posted in the first post) Final Season of Battle Audition Summary Thread.
Personal VF Project (Early Build Stage 1 of 3). 221 Lei and 147 Lion images uploaded. 13/20 characters done 2095 images total so far. Pai up
The last Battle Auditions for the Virtua Fighter 5 series in Japan will take place in November. The Battle Auditions are a regular series of...
HofHaH - Sorry if you feel that way. The original format was messed up during the transfer to a new forum. There are many other beginner...
Personal VF Project (Early Build Stage 1 of 3) 133 Lau images uploaded, 11/20 characters done. 1727 images total so far. Next is Lei...
Personal VF Project Early Build: Stage 1 of 3. Jeffry and Kage added. 10/20 characters done. 1594 preliminary images taken total so far.
Go to your "Inbox" and click on "Start A New Conversation." Deleting your original message (Let me know if you actually want it to be displayed.
The Evo Championship Series made a poll to gauge the interest of fighting game enthusiasts for the official game lineup at Evo 2013. So Virtua...
Personal VF project - preliminary still images stage - Up to 7 characters - 1100 images taken. Expecting 3000+ before first stage done.
Need to update first post, but I am slowly figuring out uploading on youtube...one video per day -_- Think I will get used to twitch tv to get...
personal VF project - 180 prelim still images for Eileen uploaded. Likely upload some VF circuit matches after work.
149 preliminary still images of Brad taken. Will play around with Akira, Aoi, Blaze, and Brad moves pages soon (~650 images total taken).
The moderation consistency was explained earlier by Shag's post. The only exception made was Kamais given a 1 month ban previously. It should have...
PS3 America online game nights in ~ 3 hours.
Russia division PS3 League stream is up / working on the side for the Europe division brackets. http://www.ustream.tv/channel/vfcircuit
Separate names with a comma.