Updated the first post with the list of confirmed players in the 3 divisions. Deadline to Confirm Participation in the Last Event of the Season...
There are a lot of feedback in here which I will try to address most of it at the end of the season. I do want to mention two things...
VF Circuit - don't forget to sign up for the last events of the season! Don't forget to take part in the poll to determine next season!
VF Circuit - finished sending and making brackets for today. Europe PS3 in 45 minutes
We do the best with what we are given... The PSN rooms desynch issues are one of the most frustrating things in organizing group events. But I'm...
More feedback, before I made this thread. "The circuit was just taking to long. The whole thing felt like it was just dragging on and on with no...
PS3 Circuit - Russia Bracket Done. Europe Bracket in ~ 4 hours.
PS3 Circuit - streaming Russia bracket soon. Europe bracket sent (7 people, 1 match only for this one)
Circuit - Russian PS3 brackets sent
Just to clarify things - If there is going to be inclusion of offline events, it will be part of an umbrella program. As an analogy - a...
Circuit - one more game night bracket for the west coast. Then Japan/Russia PS3 brackets and sleep.
Streaming live game night from Eastern America http://www.ustream.tv/channel/vfcircuit
Circuit - making brackets for 360 America in the next 30 minutes
Countdown Timer Link for this weekend event Challonge Bracket updated their website so their might be some changes in how scores are updated. I...
Circuit - 360 Europe, America brackets beings made, then PS3 Japan, Russia, Europe, America brackets. First up to make countdown timers
Just posting some of the feedback given about second season: "I think you need to set up full-fledged midweek events like once/month." "One...
VF Circuit - poll and feedback for second season - http://virtuafighter.com/threads/se...ason-2-poll-of-a-vfdc-organized-league.17178/
Separate names with a comma.