JC media is in a lawsuit? wow...man where i have i been in the gaming world
Good games to glory and badseed and kingvf4 you guys are very good! and also neogeo! really good aoi char i have to start mixing moves up more
YES YES! YES! this is hotness! come to 360! please!!!!!!!!
Gg to everyone i played today even KingofCarnageVF,gg dude [img]
i would so punch super gun ninja in his face if i see him,what a punk ass,he talks to much shit
My headset is broke! OMGG! but ggs to people i play today,jason is always nice! close match though! GG JASON DUDE! hahaha [img]
LOL,omg i ran into this dude and took him down! and he insuted me also but i was like hell with this and insulted him right back dont know who is...
gg to KingofCarnageVF,i added you my xbox live buddies,hope to you once again and also shun is drunk gg mans and dissmaster! omg,i want to keep...
Re: Hot Rooftop VF Secks Monty VF! lets play! my goh became very good! [img]
Re: Hot Rooftop VF Secks wow! this is alive!
i think i've played jhow77 but i remember playing this crazy jacky player who is GT is something like that...back and forth but i loved it! haha...
GG games to la akira,that shun is fast! haha nice dude [img]
Ok...this is crazy i'm playing right,this dude "Super gun ninja" And all i said was GG at the last part then BAM i get trash talked because i...
i love xbox live [img]
Re: Online tourneys I'm in,i wouldn't mind joining
is that the monkey girl player?
gg to everyone i played,denkai lion and jason lions are very good,gg to all
gg to everyone
wait a min who is happy fiend?
very gg to fatal rose and wade jude
Separate names with a comma.