KrsJin: online is irrelevant in this case, low punch is safe when evaded. In FS they also lost 0f sidelowthrows that might have helped. And they...
Yes, DM P+K was an important tehcnique. Something that isn't accounted yet though is sideblock. It propably allows some good pressure on the...
He still referred to mere techniques, not their usage. Above techniques are all essentially input tehcniques, which could have simplified inputs...
Happy birthday man!
I think Hori ex2 is ok, for about month or two. Then it gets worn out. Yep. Playing on a pad is not a handicap. However playing on a XBOX PAD is.
2p is really bad advice. This is wakeup were talking about. Im uncertain whether there are cases where DM wouldn't work either. Sometimes it has...
The attack is likely to be [6][K]+[G]. The throw attempt isnt guaranteed when it hits block though, you can recover from the stagger by...
Theres few reliable ways to punish it anyway unless the character has sabakis/reversals. If you are gonna say something about backdashes: those...
Yep, same reason I'm not too hot on team games. If you succeed, its a team effort, if the team fails, the fault is usually at one player....
The forward slide actually reminds me once again of the moves used by the kicking antagonist at the end of Jackie Chans movie "Drunken master 2",...
I didnt understand why you'd call it 'flamingo' slide then, thats all.
Ok, but she was no longer in flamingo was she? As in, does she need to be in flamingo for the stance or out of it?
Yeah... except I dont know what Im looking for.
Re: Formerly FS Trademark -> now Off-topic stuff : In-fucking-deed. The current online experience is miles and miles behind of offline and...
He uses [img][6][P]~[P] just like I do. I was talking about Singlepalm on its own without followup (which Akira lost in the version previous to FS...
If you had saved the replay then remember you can make the inputs visible. That wallcombo video is very nice and Ive been doing something similar.
Its propably better that way tbh. Singlepalm on its own was stupid in more ways than one. Only purpose of it was staggering, and since staggers...
' At Jackys winning one-liner. I cant get over that.
If you get a standing doublepalm through with opponents back to the wall, a simple followup [P][K] (wallhit) -> [img][6][P]+[K] did more damage...
Thank you for writing this. Do we have videos that showcase that new 'slide' thing?
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