I deleted/edited VF5 legacy stuff from the Return Attack sections. Wrote in the beginning of the section the term Parry to refer to Inashi and...
All preliminary images added to Eileen and Goh's sections. 10 out of 20 characters done. Half way there!
Moves Project Goh - all prelim images added to his sections http://vfmoves.blogspot.com/2012/11/goh-default-stance.html half way there
Hey DrinkDaHooch - I'm not very good with names is this darkgustave on PSN? If so, no worries about tonight. If someone else, sorry! I got owned...
I think I can answer that question. Back before exact frame data was known, you can see a lot of Japanese guides giving qualitative description of...
Nuki - a strong Street Fighter player before he was a very strong Aoi player during the VF4 days. Anyways, glad we got one more player to go...
Hi academic-ya - thanks for sharing! Was the video made by you? Very cool.
No information on registration have been posted so far.
Moves Project Eileen - all prelim. images added to her pages http://vfmoves.blogspot.com/2012/11/eileen-default-stance.html 11 left!
Dennis - I think I understand why you are asking about combo with elbow, since you ask about hit checking being a problem.... try this combo...
Yes, they changed the execution on how to jump. You hold [P] or [K] while pressing [7], [8] , or [9] to jump in original Virtua Fighter 5. For...
Updated the first post with the results from the Bay Area Cups.
List of people with wrong headset - want the 360 headset instead of PS3 - phanatik MotorCityJacky Krye unicorn
January 28th game night, I will bring a setup again for 360. There are plans for Saturday Casuals between noon and 7pm. If there is enough...
For the January 19th-21st weekend, there were several major Virtua Fighter events around the world. Below are links to various videos and results...
Just to clarify - the individuals online league portion will start back up officially in May (after Sega Cup). There will be some "offseason"...
That entry is from vanilla VF5 wiki. This brings up a point that had been discussed in shout box not too long ago. I went back to the VF4 evo...
"clash" removed from the sentence in the wall hit section.
All preliminary images added to Brad and Taka's sections. 12 more characters to go.
Separate names with a comma.