A short delay in sending some of the items due to me underestimating international shipping cost. Everything should be shipped by now! For some...
beat-tribe.jp going to make a news post after transcribing the list of pre-bt cup teams. For you boss :P - kageoff.jimdo.com
Aoi/Jacky Off, Kage Off, and Pre-BT Cup! ...International shipping a lot more expensive than expected!
Part 1 Archive Video Part 2 Archive Video
Front page links are working correctly, click on the top 16 for the final results. Congrats to all that went and that had a good time!
Today, April 20th is the Sega Cup! Here is the schedule and stream information. Schedule in Pacific time (GMT -8) 10am Check-in 11am Pools 1 and...
There was some discussion, early in the year, to see the interest level. For it to happen there will need to be more people stepping up to help...
Thread is locked. Threats and posting of private information is not condoned on VFDC.
Final Showdown T-shirts received. I will be sending them out by the end of the week to the VF Circuit participants.
Again, the delay is actually caused on my end and not Sega. The good news, I came home from work to see a large box from Sega...so I will be...
Unfortunately, I have not. Again this is due to my end and I apologize about it (I'm getting very used to using the word apology a lot! -_-)
Alright, Sega Prize Winners - I apologize for the several month delays as it is due to my end. I am have received confirmation that I should be...
Booyaka! Life made me take a big detour, hoping to get back to regular routines.
More on my end than Sega, I think. I will check my email correspondence with them.
After Sega Cup, so in May.
If Dano allows casual setups again (snow damage made a portion of the room unusable the last time) there will be a casual setup this coming Monday.
If you play in Season 1, you are all set!
No problem except on my end, I got lots of catching up to do. I will try to give update by the end of the week.
VF Moves Project - added images to all Jeffry's sections. 7 characters left http://vfmoves.blogspot.com/2012/11/jeffry-default-stance.html
All preliminary images added to Jean and Jeffry sections. 7 characters left (working on Pai next). Bad News: Due to photobucket changing their...
Separate names with a comma.