DigitlSamurai - Episode 4 - majority of the characters' standing jabs is 12 frames execution, but there are several characters that have 11 frame...
Most likely the same person that have similar IDs on PSN :D (for all the people that message me on PSN asking if I am the "real" Akai...I only...
On August 25, 2013, the 14th season of VFR had two bay area cup events occurring simultaneously. In the west of Japan, the Kansai Bay Area Cup...
Team VF Me added to XBL NA. Have at least 3 teams for PSN and XBL NA and Europe! ...now I just need to get things posted....
...improving my amateurish graphic design for VF Circuit Season 2 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v646/akaiten/VF-Circuit---Season.jpg
Awesome - updated first post. I think 2ndFace is still looking for a team to join on Europe PSN and/or XBL (someone take him or 2ndFace go...
Cheers. Gotten a bit sidetrack with work, so a bit behind in getting the the new thread for season 2 posted.
Last weekend, August 10th-11th, was NYG8--a gathering for VF enthusiasts at New York City. These are the type of gatherings, before we had online...
Updated first post
Have an interesting VF-related article/media to share? Let us know! http://virtuafighter.com/threads/front-page-topic-submissions.17084/ (1)
If you have title edit ability - you should be able to edit the thread's title name here - http://virtuafighter.com/forums/aoi.76/ At the lower...
Finished adding pictures to Lau pages. 4 characters left to complete the backbone of my blog. http://vfmoves.blogspot.com/p/lau.html
There are some technical issues for rising attacks frame data to be absent. When time permits, it will be added.
Gutti part of your team!? His stick is big :D Updated first post.
Thanks, updated! You will be referred to as Team #10 until then :D
Updated first post with: Youtube Archive - Round Robin Group / Top 32 Portion / Top 8 Portion (Theatrical) / Winners' Final / Losers' Final /...
Updated first post! Need to get draft and post season 2 info by end of week. As with last year's season, if you did not start the Circuit in the...
If you never been to a big city, it can be somewhat overwhelming. Just have to be smart about it. Is any of the NY VFers going to help guide you?
Separate names with a comma.