No problem, thanks for update. First post revised! We now have 5 players each for the Europe divisions (can we still get 3 more to make it a...
Yup. Just show up on time that is all.
VFC sign-up for Sunday!
Fallsmyer - thanks. First post updated. One more day before it begins. Sign-up deadline basically 15 minutes before start of the event. Make...
No prizes besides the Champion title for this season. The Circuit was supposed to start back up early in 2013, but due to a variety of reasons...
First post updated, another player for PSN North America. 2 more days until Sunday. Combolammas - yeah, each event you only use one character...
Have an interesting VF-related article/event to share? Let us know! (3)
Cozby, thanks. 14 people confirmed for North America XBL!
First post updated. With Tricky sign-up we have 13 for North America XBL. 3 more needed for a sweet 16 bracket! Kamais, the PSN ID you...
Updated first post. Again people signed-up will receive an email from Challonge, but the event does not begin until this Sunday! Yay, we got...
Academi-ya, there is no need to apologize! I look forward to new entries when you are not as busy.
Thanks shadowmaster. Updated! Currenty: Europe XBL - 3 people, need 1 more to make an even bracket of 4. Europe PSN - 6 people, need 2 more to...
VF Circuit Oct. Qualifier -
Updated the list of players for this coming Sunday. I will be entering people's info in the challonge bracket ahead of schedule. So if you...
VF Circuit Directory 3on3 online team event in which the winning team's players will get a "title" on their VFDC account (similar to last...
For those that missed it, here is a nice 20th Anniversary of Virtua Fighter video shown at last weekend's Beat-Tribe Cup. [media] Edit: For...
Thanks for the notice. Good luck with school and what else!
happy and social: I don't have an opinion on whether low punch should be nerf, kept the same, or what else. I just saw a post trying to use those...
A food for thought for your food for thought: 5 matches each have at least 3 rounds to complete...15 rounds total...44 low punches observed...
VF Circuit To Do List (online league) 1) update group email; 2) prepare October Qualifiers; 3) revised Team Battle event for December 15th
Separate names with a comma.