i'm not sure cause she looks whiter than micheal jackson.
i like vf4 evolution better than vf5. evolution's training mode is far superior to vf5's training mode. i really hope vf5 final showdown's...
taking online "serious" is a matter of someone's thinking and it has to do with that individual. if some people want to take it "seriously" than...
GGs to happyfriendlau: i know im not good but it was fun playing anyway GGs to lostcloud86: nice long set GGs to gametrix: i might have to...
ggs to kingofcarnage, good set ggs to darthminion
ggs to kingofcarnage, nice long set! ggs to ohnoyoudidntvf
ggs blossy, jacky vs sarah ...lol bro vs sis ggs ohnoyoudontVF ggs nappy beard
vggs to unoriginal sin: its good to see people who know how to play and not back walk the whole round. nice subakis with akira on my...
ggs kingofcarnageVF ggs kruza, best aoi ive played against ggs thewall ggs happy lau
GGs to allstar804 GGs to XseriouslyX, you almost had me the last two matches! GGs to cheif flash, i would have played more but the gameplay...
leftylizard columbia, SC
ggs to whiteworm, after reading the previous post i dont feel bad about losing to your vanessa ggs ced h tone
how do you turtle in VF??? lol, if you change up the height of your attacks you should be able to break through an opponents guard with ease....
ggs to XrodnutzX, i appreciate you giving me 4 matches...some people i play quit after they win one. ggs to thewall, fun wolf vs wolf matches
Try looking for matches on Friday and Saturday nights, thats probably your best bet.
ggs to gameztriz, your akira is beast. ggs to blossy, always fun
ggs to shun is drunk ggs to chief flash
ggs to allstar804, good brad
ggs to joeresioREX.
thank you.
Separate names with a comma.