Hahahahahahaha! Jacko partyboy needs you!
Some time ago, I was just looking through our video section and I see some footage was deleted and I'm like wtf happen....here....I'm sorry but...
gokunodan won! 5 to 1. I wanted to watch that footage! what's going on! TRICKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!
Hey tricky why was gokunodan footage with you deleted? In the NYC video section. That was a Great match and a lot of hype!
Lets play Street fighter remix!
I remember 1 person in VFDC who said they wanted to to kill us in real life when they saw us. They even troll us and other people online and i'm...
I just ignore it and laugh at it. I know In real life is totally different when someone is face to face with you. Online is just online.
Props to tricky and flash! I hope to see this fight my dudes! lets just love one another!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but don't take the facebook to...
I want to see this!
I want to fight someone TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at 8pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to brush up on my taka
It's all good guys! I'll watch in the room when this goes down
Shiny was banned! teacher shag please bless me with your gohhess! It's time to take that title and give the people what they want! IT"S TIME!!...
I'm gonna hit the training grounds!
Hahahahahahaha! I knew he has a lag switch!!!!!!!!!!!
It's time to take that goh title shiney boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
No 3 months rent! only 2! lets go! HYPE!
everyone should live in brooklyn! lets go! http://beachhavenapts.com/ studio $830 1 bedroom $1167 lets go!
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