I voted!
LOL! I can hear this in snake boss voice now for some reason! LOL!
Oh no! Blackstar is one of the generals for GT!!! Can swordfish take on one of the most powerful person??? We have to find out! when bstar man...
Oh shit! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kam has to fight the emperor now! He passed lib and rare chair! Can kam defeat Lucky GT shao...
His sarah is good! but his brad is crazy!
LMAO! Fucking lib boy! hahahahahaha
Bstar I'm getting on Skype lets go!
You should see LIB! No one can touch that brad! lib is kicking my ass! To strong! GGS man! I want more matches so I can find your weakness!
Oh yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8pm baby! i'm there!
Lets do baby! lets get Bstar man in this! where he's at!
evenpit ran away! from me! I WON! 10 to 0!
I'll take on @Jason Elbow!
where is evenpit!??????????????
Lib to strong! His brad is nutz!
Can't believe i'm on PSN! add me VFhayato dudes!
Bstar is also coming to NYGX
I want VF!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAAA I WANT VF! I WANT ALL! I WANT VFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! He's name kam! and he will sing! all...
Separate names with a comma.