Dragonfang??? mmm hunter is more appropriated =p
I got a good connexion with him... He can claim what he wants, if the connexion is good with me, for sure it s the same with you =)
Bon anniv en retard Kingo, tes victoires d hier c t mon cadeau =p
Ggs kingo, how many matches did we play? Aound 50 for sure... Even if u beat me i m satisfied and we must do it again =) Ggs to shadoolord...
When u put the CPU on CH and he s sideturned it doesn t work coz when u input ur move the cpu input too and he turn back before the hit... With...
Ggs to blaxk general. Ur evades crouching dash cancel was a real prb very solid player... Very fun...
Np bro, we ll do it next time :-)
I ll try it tonight and if it works i ll record it to show you.
When in os st 66p make my opponent staggering usualky i use 66k+g or 3k that make a side crumple but it depends of angle... If u succeed, u ve got...
Van's combo list, work in progress
Wait u in player ww
I lost :p i ll be online in few minutes... Still up?
Oh that s nice. To be honest i foegot vanessa... Now about the stagger, it works after a defensive move. I tried it few times and my concluqion...
My pleasure erdaug, when i see all posts u sent in van s threads i can thank you too =) u helped me a lot
quote="erdraug, post: 357091, member: 9853"]Hello, i'll go first then: Are there alternative combos after OS CH that do NOT involve using OS ?...
I don t agree bro, lauvf is fair. Once i demoted him after maybe 20 matches. We played last time u and me and the lag was really noticeable. And...
The van's combo list is a little refreshed, there are a lot of work. I have to check some combos (damage and stance) it ll be done asap
I know what you mean... I check it tonight and will purpose you some combos as soon as possible =)
I agree, so sometimes i have to do the 1K+G without a hit check before and it connects... but it s absolutely not safe... I ll find something...
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