Good, if u need anything i m here =)
My dream become true.... Metal gear in hd collection... For sure i ll be unavailable for a while!!!
welcome poto =)
You know what, i was lookin for a batter wall combo yesterday lol... I didn t find anything yet, only what u found, but i didn t test very...
Coz u were more serious and the level was high... I enjoy fights when both gives everything to win... I don t care who lose when it s like that
Good set of matches with Pana yesterday =))) I m happy =)
i saw this id on xbl
Steeze la muerte?
Ok I succeed to find a wall combo with 2 big bounce but starting in DS =) [media]
I can t stop laughing!!!! [media]
You got this one, i didn t test but it seems to be for all cast
Lol u already beat me =p but since u ask: I remind u that u got a top tier char, use his weapons.TAka is my sub so I know what i m talking about,...
Check if ur opponent unstagger (with the crush jaw for exemple) if he doesn t use it coz it s big damage (btw my next thread will be combos with...
Van combo list checking, and adding new combo... discussion, discovering and explanation about vaney's combos, put ur message here.
Hi erdaug The BTW 3 works for P+K and K i tested it... I talk about that with chibi, to use K after the wsP. K is a 16 frame move but if u try u...
Yeah yeah but nobody believes u, i ll prouve that u re a liar lol u re so stupid
5 minutes? loooool u re done i ll prouve that u re a liar...
Excuse me?!!! what did I admit? SB what u re saying is just a dream, i m proud too much to lose against a fake stormlord kid... Let me wait 20...
The new apple looool [ATTACH]
12 for sure !!! in a calculation, the multiplication got the priority, so u have to do the multiplication first and the addition after... to...
Separate names with a comma.