Not sure about the US but over here it's used to describe people that willingly ignore, it's also kinda insulting. Not that I'm offended by your...
Chi was talking about schools that are all white. I went to a school like the ones he described, ignorant feels harsh though. I know i'm...
Uneducated seems more appropriate than ignorant maybe?
Have you played Judgement? He had more of a role in Gears 2 & 3 and the campaign focuses on Paduk and Sofia more than any other character. Just...
Not Racist. The RE5 debacle made the media portraying the issue seem more racist than anything in the actual game. White people can shoot white...
Spammers? 4k is 17f exe right? Don't know how useful Sarah's 4k is but from -2 I could smack her out of that for 80+ damage, might want a little...
Money matches? Wish I knew earlier, could have paid for my flight blowing up fools :feck_power:
Kakihara yo. Him and Goh do have some similarities visually but Goh's personality doesn't really match his or Ichi's ....VF would feel like a...
Suprised you managed to type that word yo :/ Anyway, just trying to point you in the right direction. You're just gonna rub people up the wrong...
Not sure exactly how familiar you are with this place but if you want to be a comedian (or a troll) then that box over to the right called the...
Nice copy/pasting but we was talking about the name Kage, name! Or are we classifying his name name as two seperate words as it's pronounced...
Except it's not a word :/ Do you also avoid words like gaze and agape with your mad homophobic clowning skills?
Nothing gay about his name, don't know if you had any idea but Japanese is a different language to ours. Refusing to pronounce his name correctly...
Yeah clowning on yourself by pronouncing his name correctly, dat some heavy clowning skills you got there yo. Can we try to get the thread back...
Hey, i'm not defending the PS3, any chance I get to shit on Sony I'll take it. Proof is proof though, if it's been tested and proven that...
Just quoting this. If you had lag it wasn't coming from the game, the only difference with the PS3 version is that netcode.
Leave the ranking system as it is. Penalise disconnects with a loss (and exp loss). That's all.
Happy Easter Foolsmas :rolleyes:
That is actually what I meant to write but the Feck inside me gets in the way. I'm sure that info is new to someone out there so I'll let them...
We do and no.
Separate names with a comma.