@masterpo - go look at the feedback threads to remind yourself who these players are. You yourself have posted in those threads multiple times and...
@RawrCookie - you can read and remember...but I think you have a double standard or have trouble with comprehension. Or, I have failed to write...
There appears to be a bug where the character you choose is switched out to Akira. A couple examples have been reported. [MEDIA]
If you read from the very first post in this thread all the way to the end of this post, who mocked whom first? It is easier to be critical of...
With all due respect, there is nothing wrong with having options and having a say. I think VFDC have allowed different opinions to be posted on...
Since everyone posting here is about liking or disliking what is being offered to dress-up your virtual doll...I assume "dorks on this website"...
[ATTACH] VF5US is getting an update worldwide on December 8, 2021 (December 7th for North America time zones)! Version 1.30 update includes the...
Thanks for stopping by the room to play! : AdmiringMyHarley deethagee ahernan2013 @JinKs81 Blood_msk Ragingmars (from Russia!) Maybe once in a...
I think It's ~650 additional items added to the game, not per character.
Sunday 1 PM CST - Room for NA. Password will be that day's date: 1205. If more than 4 in room, I push the league button so less wait time.
I have not played any of the Yakuza games, but I can imagine Brad with the Goromi outfit...
First post updated with the rest of the VF news beside the DLC pack.
I think I will wait a couple more hours before updating first post. Saves me the effort of translating :D
Updated first post with the youtube link. The schedule is to have an exhibition match and legends kumite first. The VF news will be at the end of...
Correct, Japan time is ahead. For those living in North America, the time would be 6 AM EST December 4th.
Thanks to Setsuna_X, Drunk-Outworlder, and le-ang_yeoh for stopping by the room to play! This upcoming Sunday I might not host a room, depending...
In my opinion, the issue here is not about lag, bad connection, or using wireless connection, but is an issue about integrity. Some background...
Updated December 4, 2021 - In a live stream, Sega revealed information related to VF5US downloadable content, game update, season 0 events, and...
~1 PM Central North America, hosting room. 4+ will run simultaneous play league. Password 1121
Thanks Chanchai! Updated first post. Thanks for those playing in Sunday's room! Deethagee The_Feaucha VFnumbers VFhayato Did not had enough to...
Separate names with a comma.