It reminds me eileen's [9] [K] [+] [G] and Wolf's [9] [P] [+] [K]. Tenchi stance can parry theses moves in FS, which wasn't the case in vanilla...
Jumping soboat is listed as a semi circular attack even in vanilla, and from the arrow indicator in the video, it still is in VF5FS. Don't know if...
In that case, BT [2] [P] is far better... No need to put yourself at -9, because considering the speed of the roundhouse kick, that kick just...
[4] [K] [+] [G] in VF5FS is like her [6] [4] [P] sabaki in vanilla 5: against high and mid kick, side kick and knee. Her full circular [4] [P]...
Aoi VF5FS MOVES CHANGE ( framewise or properties) [img] [3] [P] : [4] [P] [+] [G] is now a hit throw even on NH. It's also a good tool to...
"This video was made private by the owner." [img]
My B ranking have probably some misjudgements. For ShinjukuATM, maybe because he plays Lei, I overrated his level ? UKRayne, I remember he caught...
Yeah, what marly said [img]
I second that. But however, he's still learning the game IMO. There are plenty of stuffs he still doesn't use or know ( like delayed moves, how to...
OOps, I forgot the subject of the topic.. so based on online play, my personal EU ranking list would be, I would say: A++: Ad4m ( stprock ? )...
Pfff...Krye is a scrub, he's D rank at best. [img] Not sure what is this hyperspotting, but I will probably be in a future euro / gathering...
Crap, I found out that PP6PP is exact recoverable against Akira...but still hard to tech. I prefer the [img][3][P][+][K][P] in FS, it's only -6...
Actually, this is only true when it's part of the PP2PP or PP8PP string. 3P+KP or 9P+KP is a natural combo on normal hit and counter.( unless you...
I don't know, try to look at the kanji names and see if it matches. I'm only sure there is kofumegane in it ( the Aoi with pink hair and half... New channel featuring a lot of high level Aoi matches. After seeing so much 23PP:4P+G landing in VF5FS...
That combo does the max damage ( although the first elbow of the string whiffs ), and is also stance specific against some characters. But against...
Theses 3 moves causes crouch stagger: Ni Ren Totsu Ou Da [P] [P] [6] [P] Ryuu Sen (Ten Chi In You) [8] or [2] [P] (back side) Ryuu Sen (Ten...
GGs to Ad4m, Krye NL, blackbauerctu and truewiseman.
Re: DM's vids Of course he loves to eat [9] [P] [+] [K] and [6] [K] since his defense consists in [2] [P]
GGs! There were some pretty fun lol moments. Any particular reason why you didn't escape my ground throws ? Don't say you guessed wrong all the...
Separate names with a comma.