Since it's the anti-evade category, the move should count more if it actually beats evade and evade cancel dash more than abare. I wouldn't say...
And it's coming from someone who gives Eileen 2 for anti-evade ? lol Eileen has a fast high full circular K+G, two sweeps, 4K ( ok it's high but...
Damn it, after I sent the post the smiley for the directions turned into numbers ... I don't know if it's just me.. fro example, if you look at my...
I noticed something when you edit a post what contains the directionnal smiley 234 etc... After the editing, they become just numbers again. So,...
My input on Aoi AOI Weight - 1 Obvioulsy, big combo time everytime you launch her Throws - 4.5 60 + 10 for 4 , and 65 for 6 Positionning...
Kage with no catch throw ? Are you sure ? What's the P+G thing he has from BT ?
Some wall combos / set ups from angles: [media]
Same for me, even if I won most of our games, detriment99 kept challenging me and never disconnected.
Starting to think it was GT, because I remember those stepping, and..the use of that guard break toryu tenshin hazankai even with lag...
lol, you can't hide from rodnutz with an alternate account . So are you that InfoRatio ? :D
I'm using Aoi
ggs to you, too ! Your Jacky get some serious skillz. Wasn't on PSN for a while, seems like everyone has improved, that was nice. Ggs to everybody...
... When you play even in your dreams..
I know how you feel. I get that too from some "high level players". I wouldn't say bgs but more "and of course, you have no problems with lag when...
GGs recently to: my french mates Maxou, chibitox, Kahn Rahn, akireSWGA, GFA. God3L, Kanoppio, Blossy for the europeans Quick Ggs to electro lex...
If you replace the [2_][3][P][+][K] by the knee [6][K] it does +3 pts more damage. Try this one on Eileen: {wall stagger attack}...
Let's resume 66P, 43P+K, 2KP, 6K+G, P, P+K, 66P+KP, 3K max damage works on Pai, Aoi, Eileen, El Blaze and Shun Di 66P, 43P+K, 2KP, 6K+G, 3K+G,...
Exactly. His Lau must have really beaten his Kage so hard that he went all nuts. A normal person would have just asked him why it got disconnected...
Just want to add that after 3K+G wall splat, you can do 6K instead of 23P+K for more damage on most light weight and light middle weights.
You're the one who made a big deal of it. For ONE player match what wasn't even finished. LOL. You messaged me and others french, and posted 2...
Separate names with a comma.