You're paying the shipping costs with your pocket ? ! Would make sense if it's us who have to pay for that, you know.
Avenger with less than 4000 pts and in less than 2 weeks ? What a joke. Some people became Darkslayer with less than 1500 pts in shorter time. But...
I can see an epic ranking battle going on soon: BBS vs FROGZILLA vs TuchMaballz... the road to MagmaLord.
Oh My God, the 2 stormlord frauds here on VFDC ? We are truly close to the end of the world !!!!!!!
Tonight around 12:00 PM we were almost 4 Sarah players in the same room: me, Electro Lex, Blossy and Methylidene... I'm sure you would have loved...
cooladdy get demoted to veteran.. either he takes his loss like a man now or he DC too much and ended up hunter...
Comandoes: and are you Voldominator ?
Count me in. I can't use my mic while playing ( because it doesn't work with my adaptator for PS2 pad), so I will only trash talking and curse...
LOL, you're playing vanilla ? sac.
Darthminion get salty. Not my fault if you suck even more without DM P+K
Chefboy: you meant rather how to fight Aoi ? :-p
SDS: Was so easy to react to things and use defensive techs such as CD fuzzy/ECD after getting hit.. I forgot trying to anticipate/guess lol
Just had my first FS offline session yesterday. The things you can do offline but can't online, and vice versa..
+9 on a side turned opponent = you have a free low punch...
DC on me at the 3rd round after I showed him that he will eat CH combos all day with me everytime he spams his reversals and tenchi..
Oh yeah, right, I forgot that in US, you have that fraud stormlord guy...
Firstable, thx you akai for running those online events. It's lot of work, and everyone appreciated your dedication.. I will definitely...
Akai, can you confirm that the EU robin tournament will start at 8:00 PM London Time ? thx
Oops, sorry, I thought I already signed up for that event. If it's still OK, I'm in.
Separate names with a comma.