rofl, no. Stop applying your own rules to game that has its own. Makes you sound weak, the fact that you have to beat someone "by default", by...
Hold on... Did you say that you win if your opponent leaves the room? You do know this is a fighting game... a game that is won with skill, hard...
loool he really did that? What fuckery is that BBS?
VF5FS really has no business being played online. EVER.
Actually for me it matters on what saturday thie tourney falls on. I got obligations 2 saturdays out of every month. Hopefully I'm able to play...
loooooool It's definitely the stepping. I wish I could step like that but honestly I don't need to. Akira is a close up character :) When I get...
Dingo's just mad that people can see his playstyle through his alt a mile away. :p
GGS to everyone I've played recently. Shout outs to Elite. I think I got the gist of our conversation, mainly being that to really be great, I...
Learning that Akira isn't all about 666 P... Crazy shit, right?
GG's to the VF heads + the morning crew I played with today. Lib- You are the only good Brad i've seen on PSN.shame, such a good character, makes...
The feeling in which you THOUGHT you got better, and someone comes along and makes you HOLD DAT SHIT :(
If you live on the east coast like me, don't bother. LeiFei with 1 or no bars are unbeatable online.
Crazy shit about this is that there are too many threads about this dude... Y'all need to go back to paying him no mind
loool good one
Just Just dropping my 2 cents on his 2 cents. lol that's it. The whole thing started off as troll btw.
To be honest, I don't think a lot of people(especially people that just started, myself included) are at a high level yet. (GT, Rodney, Denkai,...
I guess you understood the typo. But if she is on Aopai's level, I am definitely on Homestay's level. :) *BG stops feeling himself*
Not to overwork the one who's doing these translations, but if he/she could get to Akira, i'd appreciate it.
New Training focus: Punishing. Need to make my opponent think twice before using unsafe shit. Gonna go through one character per week.
Separate names with a comma.