Plz @SNAKE BOSS, read @Stl_Tim post and do what he wrote. It will save you so much trouble.
Congratulations on your First W. Now can you do me one favor? For the love of god when you got a opponent on Tech roll can you please for the love...
Jobber with these fake creds! ROFL
Its this one
You can get mad and call me a scrub all you want but the fact of the matter is....... Grapeman: Has beaten well know VFDC members Jacko,...
Director/Actor Noice!
Sorry, but I'm to big for the Poverty Scrub Network or the King of Jobbers. [IMG] I can't wait to see the rest of your matches with the...........
King of Jobbers Strikes again. ROFL
make it a Gif
I know you guys need to catch up on dem streams.
I'm washing up twice Evenpit.
Post the results.
AM2 revealed next game on Letterman
@VFhayato vs. @partyboy32 This is going to be the most random match ever.
Yeah the one thing we can say is snake doesn't dodge........................anymore.............I think..........Maybe in Rank?
All hail the king of jobbers. LOL
It's not the goh army anymore.... It's the grape army
@VFhayato, Is my Grapeboy about to become a grapeman? ROFL
Separate names with a comma.