She's terrible on PSN, goodluck!!!
Sweet thanks for the vids, I like both versions, instrumental is a it bit better :cool:
You missed two lop sided blowouts.
I'd love a link to the song, thanks!!
Cool vid, whats the name of the song?
I don't see any of Aoi's advanced ECDC to the back, side crumple combos listed in here, did I miss them, or are they just considered to difficult...
Kyle cant escape side throws or ECDC, he's not an ideal choice. Start with the AceBreaker combo vid, get those down, & go from there Poison
Nah the games were great and i'm looking forward to more, no problems playing offline players in player match ^_^
7am and chat is already retarded, time for the gym.
Shag is cool, dunno why they're hating smh.
Your restraint was impressive and didn't go unnoticed haha :D
Yeah i've been meaning to say something on the capitalization of every word in a sentence -_-
LMFAO Cheffy.
Rawshak wants more vs Aoi matches ^_^
Hawks pitched a stinker no doubt.. Chiefs have the easiest schedule in the league, and they're barely scraping by lately.
Who's gonna win the bet ^_^
Awesome you'll have a great time @nextlevel with NYC Crew!!
Canadian money spends just fine, trust me :cool: I'd bet on this one, but haven't seen lefty's play style, i'm only familiar with shadow. Probably...
Separate names with a comma.