Vanquish is coming to PC now that Bayonetta is out on PC. Wonder if VF5 is next?
Blame the democrats for trying to give us the Saturn VF1 port and calling it VF6. Better come strong next time.
VF3 had MTE. It was only two directions, Neutral and Back or Forward. That was due to the buffer system that was implemented and stayed...
Gonna need a citation for some of the stuff you are posting @EmpNovA . "Everyone getting fired at AM2" isn't known about and would've made news....
Unless someone has other news I don't see why it shouldn't be here. Just the reactions it garnered are reason enough. At least someone knows...
I'll take VF's systems over Tekken's systems any day. Mainly due to the evade system, which ties into its movement/stepping system. Defense...
as I said in the status update. There's two side-to-side cabs at Round 1 in Tukwila South Center. I wish it was more 'out' instead of the...
So Seattle Round 1 Arcade has two VF5:FS cabs to have 4 players at any given time, fyi.
nah don't want to wait that long..
So does anyone know if the Round 1 at Southcenter still have VF5FS? lol
and if I was starting fresh with a new account? Sorry for the questions, but there's a 98% chance I'm not getting and Xbone especially since the...
Asked this in the shoutbox, but came back to it too late to see if an answer was provided. I didn't have this on cloud save for the 360, so would...
Almost tempted but unless the chicken-and-egg problem of no consistent release schedule, no interest outside of Japan/Asia gets resolved, not...
Bayonetta. She already quotes Akira Yuki in the first game. That has to count for something?
Did not known .Good to know, however. PC Gaming incoming.
4K will be worth it when it's supported in Street Fighter V...until then, not worth it.
No warning for The Real.
Starting with VF4:Evolution is a great start.
Nope. SoJ was the one that apparently pulled rank and released the 32X. Sega's rep was already tarnished. Releasing two Saturn's would've never...
Separate names with a comma.