That raw was very good! Good play from Denkai and Rod. Good commentary as usual from Shidosha too.
Im pleased to see Vanessa in A tier. She has numerous tools to discourage opponents from evading(DS kk DS 3p+k DS k+g),good throws, she is...
ggs to evenpit, 1way, cruzlink, listerinevfdc, and stl. next time time tim stay off the mic during match. i thought you needed an...
ggs to: stl, blackstar, "grape man", air louis, bounty, and benny boom.
Good thread , masterpo. For me personally I'm winning if the connection is good,the match was good,and I get better as the match progresses....
im in south carolina , if you want to play online.
Have a good 2014 everyone!
BGs to party boy247 69 this guy is a sore loser who sent me some messages using profanity and racial slurs.
Thanks to Blackstar for setting everything up. I hope it wasnt too difficult doing it over live.
yall give snakeboss too much power. you guys call him a fraud but then you cater to him and entertain his b.s
you must like being banned,huh? :D
GGs to a little man from St. Louis.
Shadowmaster, IM COMING FOR YOU !:mad:
I can commit to playing on 10/27/2013. I'm in South Carolina on the eastcoast. I'll fight shadoolord or chefboy if either can comnmit to a first...
GGs this weekend to blackstar and silentnephilim.
This is a good idea. I was actually thinking of a 1st to 5 against some people on my friends list.
Two questions. 1. Do you recommend usually staying in OS against the heavyweights(wolf,jeffry,taka)? I was thinking that OS was more...
I played you several times in vf and you seemed to know what you were doing with wolf and goh. You probably don't remember,but I do cause I have...
Constructive critisism can be a good thing. As long as they aren't being disrespectful in the message you shouldn't have a problem with it....
Separate names with a comma.