Strider has challanged me for this Sunday and I have accepted. just wanted to confirmation if its going to happen?
Will you be able to do the match today in 1 hour if Unicorn is available?
I will use Lau in the first to 5 and if we do end up doing another ft5 then I might switch. Also 8 pm cest what time is that in the USA east...
Ok Wednesday at around 7 pm unless plans change.
So Wednesday works for you?
Ok what about Wednesday evening? If not Monday and if not Wednesday then maybe another day.
I dont know about Monday because Monday nights are tight for me. I can do it tonight for sure, either in 1 hour or from 7pm to 9pm. We can do it...
let me know if you are going to do a match on sunday night because I have to let my opponent know.
Lol. I am actually better with taka then what I showed and it also depends for what character I am going up against that my subs work on. Also I...
I have found a opponent for me and his name is afrokingalmighty. I have talked with him on psn and he agreed to the FT10 match. I told him we...
Keep up the good work, you are improving. If you want we can do a first to 5 or 10 this sunday for raw. I am looking for an opponent. It will...
Also if anyone wants to do a vf2 ft5-10 then let me know. @IcKY99 I know you like vf2.
What do you say at a rematch bstar? This time I will use lau. Unless there is someone else I can do a match with like @IcKY99 or BG or even...
Good match, I probably should have not picked taka against sarah lol, taka felt slow but its all good because I wanted to test some stuff out with...
Yea I know, also I might be 15 min late, trying to rush through some stuff but I will be on.
Ok I will go first vs you then because I have other things I have to do right after. Also I dont know if I am going to pick lau or another...
or you can have both systems running and just switch between them when its my turn. I know that can be time consuming but its your choice....
Sounds good to me.
I probably could do it unless I am doing something at that hour on that day. Also we can do a ft5 if if there is not enough of time, but either...
I am cool with it but it will depend on the time on Monday and our connection. Also I might be doing something on Labor day so if I am home at...
Separate names with a comma.