We hope to have someone pick you up, although that might prove to be a bit difficult, as none of us have easy access to cars. [img] However,...
Re: NYCVF FT gathering/ tourney in works. As Shag said, we can rent a spacious loft for playing/sleeping. This one is a possiblity (It is located...
Wow - thank you to everyone who offered to help. I will try all of the suggestions. Unfortunately, booting via "Last known good configuration"...
Yeah, Myke. I can't back anything up cause i can't even boot into windows. I should reinstall windows first, but i don't have the windows software...
Thanks for all the help guys. I will try re-installing windows, but will that delete all of my saved data (documents, mp3s, etc.)?
My laptop was working fine yesterday, but when i tried booting it up earlier today, the damn thing won't load past the "Windows is starting up..."...
Peace, Propaganda, & The Promised Land... In the interest of being a bit more informed (and well-rounded) about some of this mess, i found this...
Re: NYC take three! True - Frisco's is GODLY. Especially when the ladies on roller skates "Change Stances"! [img] lol Welcome Moike - can't wait...
Re: International gathering with Yosuke!! March 24th YES! Can we please make that pic of Shh! Shh! as the DVD cover?! I *will* buy two copies!
WHAT THE !@#$!$ HOW THE !@#!@#! I *LOVE* your work, Alex! That poster kicks ass! Myke looks too awesome in that poster. (He should wear that hat...
Re: International gathering with Yosuke!! March 24th *Nods in agreement with Ice* So great to see old friends and make new ones. The SoCal...
Re: International gathering with Yosuke!! March 24th Damn bro! Was really looking forward to seeing you. I understand about family business...
Re: International gathering with Yosuke! March 24th Damn Jerky! Can we have a 10 game battle for your couch at Talis' place?!?! That would be...
Re: Food matches Ahhh...I love it when "CHEEKS IS MAD TIGHT!!!" There'll be plenty of that, me thinks... [img]
Re: SoCal gathering with Yosuke! March 24th Fuck that! You are riding with me! [img] Shag will be arriving a lil' later than me, so as soon as...
Re: SoCal gathering with Yosuke! March 24th My Itinerary: Ontario Airport Arrive 3/23 @ 10:42pm Depart 3/27 @ 12:45am I will wait for Shag...
Re: SoCal gathering with Yosuke! March 24th FT team battle, bitches! \m/ (> _ <) \m/
Re: SoCal gathering with Yosuke! March 24th [ QUOTE ] ...please understand that this is primarily an EVO affair in terms of tourneys and overall...
.214 So addicting!
Re: SoCal gathering with Yosuke! March 24th Once you confirm with AI, please let us know *exactly* what we need to bring. If it's just the disc -...
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