Resurrecting this thread just for the hell of it, Taka 4K+G causes high bound and Lei Doku KP causes low bound.
I'd like to point out that setups like these only work on the CPU or people who can get up at the fastest possible speed and do a rising attack,...
EDIT: Nevermind, didn't notice the no wall throws. 3P!P+G hit throw still sobers 1, though.
Duh, you're right, totally forgot about 2K for some reason. It's pretty much the best option.
None, the move doesn't duck or evade anything even from + frames. The move is pretty much useless aside from having pretty good range, but then...
It's the same as Taka's that he just armors a move and then retaliates, dunno what to call it either though. Also Wolf's will not, like Taka's,...
I just like to guard and wait for the eventual flipkick and then kill him.
1K+G hits grounded pretty well, so does 33P, for faster options there's 1K at least.
Read this:
Just to be sure, you know that nobody plays Ver. B or C anymore, especially online?
Opponent recovers in Full Crouch.
Pretty sure you'll want to hit up NicoNico for your japanese VF fix.
@EventPit I'm flattered.
@EventPit stop changing your avatar every second. Seriously, it's gay.
Why would you buy a guide full of shit and old info when everything you need can be found on this site for free?
Yo, recently discovered that you can get this on at least Jean from open stance: [6][K], [2_][3][P]~[P]+[K]+[G], Threat [P][P], [4][P][K] for 91...
Personally I do it 11~3PP+K, that is a crouch dash backwards to get into FC because you can't go forward due to to 33P being it's own move, but it...
Allright I'll take that.
You can apply the exact same mixups from the front like normal, just minus the risk of being beat out of your RD moves, so why bother?
Uhh, they can just block all of those as they turn around automatically to face you no matter are you in their back or side if they just hold G o_O
Separate names with a comma.