Then you probably didnt understand the video..
I see no glaring errors, so its good. (even if more than a bit simplistic :p - because beginner guide I guess) edit. oops there is that one......
:D Looking forward to the finished guide..
Congrats for the RAW win, PRep!
Hori Ex2 is the "cheap" option for sure. It can work okay for a while, but it wears down faster than almost anything else Ive ever laid hands on....
This may come as a bit late, but zero frame throw means that the throw has no execution frames, that it is active on frame 1 and onwards from...
Hiya. Finally managed to finish this. Hope you like it. I wanted to make a vid to show off what Jacky can do. [media] Ive been meaning to do...
Finally finished my pet project combovid.
I assumed we were talking Aoi vs Goh, apparently we weren't if Kahn plays some other character now.. I only remember him playing Aoi so sorry for...
I dont know what you are talking about, I was talking about Goh's 3KP.. :) And no, I don't mean with throws.
Also moves that turn the character backturned will likely cause backcrumple when interrupted. It appears that if a move turns character back or...
How about punishing it?
I would say that the answer is: no. I tested a bit and apparently OS 66P CAN cause backcrumple if it CH''s a big enough move, ie. does enough...
[media] I guess there is a reason for Jackys flipkick to exist :)
Not that Ive tested yet or anything but... Sarahs 44K is really fast, 13f. Im pretty sure other 44 input moves are slower. It might be a timing...
Me vs Combolammas offline FT5 tomorrow at Helsinki FGC, our weekly local fight club.
Sometime 5pm-9pm local time
Separate names with a comma.