I could play sometime before next sunday. Im moving house and my apartment needs to be empty before monday 29th, so Im somewhat busy. After the...
After the sabaki hit, all of the SS options are valid options. You can even combo SS 33K : P+G for style if you want. [6_][K]:[G] combos are...
Officially retired from VF.
And it was..
It makes sense in the way that opponent is clearly not adapting.
Most balanced fighting game I have played was probably international karate+, since it had exactly one type of character. Now that I think of it,...
Uploaded offline footage to my youtube from Erdraugs visit to Helsinki fight club. Players involved: me, Erdraug, combolammas, Yomi, Juhana.
Be careful throwing out [9][K][K]. The second hit is punishable on block. You shouldn't really be using both hits unless you are punishing...
Since hits into stagger count as combo and thus are susceptible to damage scaling, combo making less damage off a stagger makes sense. I have no...
GGs Marlyjay and Pana. I would have liked to play more but it was too late for me. Hope to try again sometime.
I agree with pretty much all your list, but have slightly different opinions. In my opinion Lions main weakness is his lack of strong fast...
Lol, it was an Danish official advertisement video for the European parliament election. Didn't take long for them to take it down. Alternate...
For members of the European union (most of the vid is in english): [MEDIA]
Well it beats the Keanu Reeves film, thats for sure..
Because my post actually contained an opinion. But I guess it would be too much to expect people to read my posts before responding.
I do not believe such a thing exists as an "unnecessary move". Not in this context anyway. Jackys 4K is possibly his best way to change stance...
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