31st Sunday League session for North America at 1 central - PW 1016
Shiokara (AK) is 塩辛 (English spelling is the same pronunciation as his Japanese game name - "Salted Fish").
Minor League NA poll for those interested https://twitter.com/Akai_VF/status/1579496705200123906?s=20&t=7rRVoZqVM2_pD5BYppYv6A
Oct. 9 Sunday league session for North America, password: 1009 . Will also go over the plans for minor league addition & team affiliations.
No need to apologize. Hope everything works out the best during these turbulent times.
FREE Qualifiers Winners Osage (BR) おさげ Pometarou (JE) ポメタロウ Ītomo (KA) いいとも Kanzen Nitaku (WO) 完全二択 Raion (JA) らいおん Jin (KA) ジン YOU (SA) Tane...
3on3 Category, the teams advancing to the offline finals: Team Kishidan Kouen-Kai - 氣志團後援会 [Shiro しろ / SHENRON (GO) / Kishidan Jr. (WO) 氣志團Jr.]...
[MEDIA] YouTube video time=stamped. I did a preview of the Challenge Cup 1.2 Qualifier participants. No official stream from SEGA, but many...
Editting the live stream took quite a bit of time. Trying recording video podcast instead... October Events, Preview of Challenge Cup 1.2...
No Sunday League this weekend. Challenge Cup Qualifiers today! Will update thread if home internet allows.
Will try to update this and with better formatting when I have time. No official stream, but many of the players stream their play on their...
29th Sunday Open League for North America, 1 PM CDT. Sept. 25th - PW 0925 https://virtuafighter.com/events/sunday-na-vf-open-league.1062/
Thanks to the participants of the 28th VF Open League Sunday session! Angry_Lil_Tuna arumajiro_otouto (guest from Japan) banok BlurringM...
My supply of hopium is out, but I have a cup of nicely brew coffee to tried to keep me awake after watching strong players compete against each...
Final 16 Tournament Stage 聖域か性癖か (Seiiki ka Seiheki ka) vs 残暑でも絶対確入れるマン (Zansho demo zettai kaku Ireru man) NATタイプ3問題 (NAT Type 3 Mondai) vs...
Wild Card Results Advanced to the Playoffs 関東ジャニーズ (Kantou Janīzu) - Nameneko (WO) / Pierre (LI) / Yoshiki (JA) / Hiza (SA) / Bokomichi (TA)...
Qualifying Round Results [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Images from VF Tokai Twitter Account. Advanced to Final 16 Stage (Finishing 1st Place in their...
28th Sunday Open League for North America, 1 PM CDT. Sept. 18th - PW 0918 https://virtuafighter.com/events/sunday-na-vf-open-league.1057/
Thanks to those that participated in the 27th Sunday Open League session! BlurringM Chanchai Csha73 DollarYen DS-ITDE HIMAJEAN_ZERO...
Updated first post with the tournament format/schedule and team entry list.
Separate names with a comma.