Results from Challenge Cup 1.2 Finals. Near the end, fell asleep -_- so not as detailed the results. 3on3 Finals 1.2 Team Kishidan Kouen-Kai -...
1st Friday League session - NA minor league 7 pm CDT, then open league...before set time...rank or "For the Love of VF" League (regionless)
Update: The anime on blu-ray will be released on January 31, 2023. [MEDIA]
Thanks for posting your tests. I thought the 34 total frame information for a whiffed throw was already in the wiki. Throw wiki portion updated.
Updated the first post with link to the live stream of the Challenge Cup 1.2 Finals. It will be the first time a live audience will be allowed to...
Top Minor Leaguer for October 30th was GTea. Updated the first post with the next two Minor League sessions: Friday, November 4, 7 PM CDT:...
IIRC, the time slot in which the Gold Cup takes place, alternates every week. You can check anytime during the week which time slot the Gold Cup...
Next NA VF Minor League sign-up in the updated thread
Thanks to the participants in the first 2 minor league sessions and to everyone that helped spread the word about it. Really appreciate it!...
Whenever I play against you, I think the connection has been ok (midwest)
Minor League at 12 CDT (sign-up, invite) / and Open League at 1 CDT (passcode 1023)
Using as a repository of VF tweets that would fall into Dojo section. Maybe one day specific info can be organized better! [MEDIA] How to prevent...
Going to try to use this thread as a repository of VF tweets that would fall into the "General" Forum Section. Not everyone is on twitter and...
[ATTACH] The "Uramawari Setup" causes the fighter's rising attack from the ground to strike in the wrong direction. For a while now, VFnumbers...
...I will put you into a league of your own :P On a more serious note, I never know if or how many people will shop up to the online leagues. I'm...
I think it is highly exaggerated. For a long time, I surveyed every day the ladder board of VF5US. And up to June 2022, on a weekly basis. Just...
I agree there was a missed opportunity. But the 99.9% of players abandoning the game is just an exaggerated number to reinforce your POV? After...
North America VF Minor League details/links to sign-up
Virtua Fighter Official Twitter account posted a character usage rate pie chart for Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown. The most used characters...
[ATTACH] Last Updated: November 18, 2022 Upcoming Minor League Sessions Friday, November 18, 7 PM CST: Sign-up Link Sunday, November 20, 12 PM...
Separate names with a comma.