If you wanna start calling people out on stuff. Your the only nigga I run across in players that will leave after getting one win. Win one and...
That is fine. These will begin on Tuesday of next week! One other question, Can this get front page???
For the most part, I agree with your list...
I have a hard time with jean myself. I dunno what it is but I just have a really rough time against that character. I'm gonna have to do some...
Each week, I plan to do a podcast with 1 Top player in VF to discuss how they approach their character, Things they look for, Practice regimes,...
*This is for if the moves are GUARDED!!!* [4][P] Standard Fuzzy Guard [4][P][P] Standard Fuzzy Guard [6][P] Crouch Dash Fuzzy Guard [3][K] (At...
It wasn't intentional but you are correct. I will work on that. First time doing a podcast. My apologizes
http://soundcloud.com/andra-pickens/vfdc-1-podcast-w-l_a-akira We cover a wide range of topics relating to Virtua Fighter 5 FS. Topics in...
We are going to record it and then right afterward, I am going to upload it.
how smart of you...
Lets fight in the dojo Beating me is a no-go You cant stop my flow Frame advantage, Didnt know? Tell all your friends Im taking all the wins...
Good Fucking games to maddyakira and to everyone else i have fought recently. Maddy: it is a fucking honor to fight you man. I feel like I have to...
People guess wrong all the time. I didnt say it was foolproof, its just an option that I will continue to explore. I got to use this several times...
[media] Discuss!
GG's to Drfamilia and motorcityjacky. MCJ: Its almost like we play for 2 hours per day lol. I love playing you man, I will keep improving....
After Evo is done and dealt with, LA akira and myself will be doing a podcast. I am not sure it will be live yet, Those details i will be working...
seriously i think this tread should continue. shits awesome!
dope song dude! and nice combos
Separate names with a comma.