Actually [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] credit to @akai for finding this
The vids have public export allowed, I will move them to my YT channel and let you know
Manjimaru on European ButtonCzech replays: vs Nero (JA vs JA) | vs xliiv (JA/LI vs BR) | vs unicorn (SA vs WO) |
Replays from yesterday @Manjimaru (JA) vs @INIero (JA) [MEDIA] @Manjimaru (JA/LI) vs @40i4 aka xliiv (BR) [MEDIA] @Manjimaru (SA) vs @Unicorn...
I agree completely. This where probably the most intensive matches on EBC so far and I enjoyed them a LOT!!! Thank you both for participating,...
Just FYI Cozby, if you @ tag people, only 1st to 5th person get notified, the rest of the tags is ignored. VFDC is set like that. in other words,...
Soon on European ButtonCzech: Manjimaru FT5 challenge vs Pana, xliiv, maybe vs unicorn, Mister and more |
That sounds great! So far this Sunday is free, so I can reserve the slot for you and anyone you will play with. BTW how about you and tomorrow?...
@Pai~Chun I just hope you noted this is happening on XBL..? @40i4 ok, marked you at 9:00 :) Hope you will use blaze this time :)
If there anyone else who wish to challenge manji for FT5 this Thursday on XBL? @40i4 @Krye @kingo @MarlyJay @Combolammas or anyone else? (that is...
Actually it was Marly hosting. I never host, being thestreamer. Stream may run smooth 99,9% of times, but can do shit in that last 0,1%. Shit that...
Yesterday challenges from European ButtonCzech: xliiv (BR) vs nowhere (GO) | xliiv (BR) vs MarlyJay (LI) |
They actually would, because you will do the last K :p
That sounds great @Krye ! We should do something like this this or next sunday, we just need to find volunteer to play :) Anyway obviously this...
BTW @VFEllhn vs @MarlyJay how about you 2 playing next sunday instead of this one?
@Manjimaru then just simply say date and @ mark people you wanna play with, peeps here on VFDC like to be challenged more then to issue challenge...
Well there is still EBC to watch :P
How about @Manjimaru vs @INIero (pana) as euro Jacky mirror? Should be cool :) And if you will agree about date (and hour that is 8 PM CEST or...
Todays matches: xliiv (BR) vs nowhere (GO) [MEDIA] xliiv (BR) vs MarlyJay (LI) [MEDIA]
As long as Marly agrees, it is OK with me. It may only happen I will not be able to stream eventual runback, being tired ATM, but this may change
Separate names with a comma.