You coming to NYGx?
Mines never crash or slow down!!!!!!!!!!!! and I have a amd cpu! Video card is nvidia and it runs sexy
Can we get evenpit vs Tricky!? Good sets from you guys today! I watched the videos! wtf happen evenpit!???
I Fix Machine [My company] will announce the prizes for Sunday tournament! Good luck guys! and hope you can carry this on a plane! or car! if you...
Join the like page and also join the Group page as well
Harpooneer boy! put this up also on NYC vf on facebook as well. You an admin on there
GGs everyone! I'm gonna play on PSN and stream on PSN if I can get that adapter!
My Theme SONG!
I play fine online.
I play on PC and game is great on PC! I'm learning that reptile now! You have to really pull off combos super fast like wtf!
I'm streaming now 60fps
My rig is great! Runs smooth like a baby butt!
This game is not working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kam broke it! He was singing!! the MK Theme song and it broke!
Gonna stream MKX tonight on PC
Don't mess up angryboy! or 1000 pushs up! lol
I won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still have to train!
It was GGs dude. We all have to train better
GT is with 3 ladies now for 2 weeks on lockdown! he's getting that booty!
I already made my pink goh
Separate names with a comma.