I'm down for a match next week. Just name a day and have it anytime after 8.
This guy had a fucking week to get his shit together. See this is why everybody shits on VFLive. They can't get their shit together for the...
I know right? @DigitlSamurai has the balls to say I'm dodging when all I said in PM's that I have better things to do when I'm the only one giving...
That's fine. Then I will FT7 the other two. IF @Ytpme_Secaps doesn't show I will just fight @DigitlSamurai until the group does a full dodge. IS...
OK so the time for the match is 8CT that's 9ET. Is time zones really that hard? I see why everybody shits on VFLive and how the tourneys are run...
From the sounds of things from PM Swordfish it sounds like @DigitlSamurai is going to dodge.
This Sunday is one day grape party vs. VFLive. I got @Swordfish2 to stream now where is the victims at? @DigitlSamurai, @Ytpme_Secaps, and @Jason...
You know what's so lame about 10-0ing VFLive players....You can't brag about it cause nobody cares. 10-0ing VFLive is like a strippers name. It...
So @DigitlSamurai apparently your boy @CRASHEM8000 said on the shoutbox he didn't know about this Sunday set Even though he has been linked,...
How come you get the drunk republican. Fine I will take the pretty white boy Captain America.
Please stop. It's like your asking me to form the avengers when all we need is hawkeye.
So you're not going to dodge me this Sunday, cause all this I need to train talk says otherwise. I'm sure I can get @Kamais_Ookin or @Swordfish2...
Honestly nothing. You can't get much lower then VFLive.
Not unless you have a doctors note. What happened now your like I'm being cocky cause I handicapped myself and now your like I need to train....
I can't give you the years you will need to train to be near my level. Sorry bro but "You're 10 years too late". It's happening next week now nut...
Rather @EvenPit than @CRASHEM8000 or VFlive. He doesn't need anybody to fight his battles for him.
Calm down. You still lost against @Tricky.
Yeah Lib, but Fuck Chun. He's a waste of space. Just another cheerleader on the shoutbox sidelines. He's not even worth mentioning in RAW thread....
I can do it next Sunday.
No you win one of the FT7 you win. This is not hard.
Separate names with a comma.