"Happy birthday America. Stay free." Said every monster ever
GGs to a ton of people I've played recently. In particular, BG Akira, Lib, and Kyle VF for solid sets and Modelah for 2 games and being Modelah.
While I appreciate the recall on the DRM policies, they are sacrificing one of the ones most impressive features of the Xbox One, family game...
Thank you guys And why is 20 tender anyway Modelah?
Happy birthday to me! Who's up for birthday sets?
Does Anonymous accept bounties?
Take my situation for instance. I play games often as an outlet for my frustration and my main source of amusement. While I play games all the...
I don't have much of a problem with how certain compaines handle used games now. I understand the fee on used gamers for online play. But by...
I agree completely on this But my favorites has to be the bloodlust super kick ( :4::6::K:) moonsaut out of salsa and jumping hammer for trolling...
Haven't written one of these in a while but GGs to piccolo's room for general good shit, Modelah awesome matches (Raw RD is free You should know...
My play has been such crap recently Dropping combos, missing reads and not recogizing patterns and reacting appropriately Time to Dojo
I really like Beowulf But I really hope all of those characters get to see the light of day They are so good Still want my Moxie, Beowulf,...
Realized I never added my GT to this list Just South of Washington DC Hit me up for some games cause I most definitely need the practice.
Been playing like ass recently Need to play a lot smarter maybe actively using more moves
Yo that was crazy If this isn't in the next VF I'll be very disappointed if they don't have a story mode or at least online/offline quest mode
Is it bad I think I may be getting rusty for not playing for 2 days #VFwithdrawl
Yoooooooo Lol Swear need to show Snake Boss the peep store near DC, for all da peeps
H I really hoped when I saw your name on stream, it was related to the Waverunner arcade game. But but still a pretty cool name especially the...
My play is horrible in ranked today smh Have to work on defense and anti-bull techniques
Yeah but with a full year until hopefully next year's Sega Cup, I think we could get something together.
Separate names with a comma.