Nah you didn't improve. You got worse, and you had to rely on DC again to not lose your rank. Pathetic.
I let you 4 chances...come on, 4 chances, and DC the 4 times, everytime you are about to lose ? Do you think we are all morons here ? No wonder...
You're hopeless. I win last 4 matches so I won. And it's not my Aoi in the replay. Want to see the replay when I beat you? We can't because you...
How many DC ? over 10 000, I presume ?
LIAR. It DC only when you're about to lose, don't give me that crap. Tonight you DC on me 4 times in a row, and strangely, it didn't DC the only...
4th's not a coincidence.
Snake Boss, I'm glad you acccepted my challenge now, but please, you said you won't DC anymore ? Well, you did that 3 times tonight. I'm so...
Thank you guys :-p
Haha ggs G0d3L and Ben, but the problem in such session is what we can't play seriously at all...:D
Because :6:[K][P] slam is techable, and the ground throw is escapable, while :6::6:[P][+][K][P] is fully guaranteed.
Good stuffs sozos ! I will share my basic meaties then: After 1K+G CH KND, 6K+G After 4K+G ( CH ) or 3P(CH)K, small dash, 4P. With the right...
Ah... nice ! I'm not often on PSN, but let's do this when we'll have the chance.
I want that banana...
Can you show me that... in rank ?
Hi, may I suggest you to contact chibitox ?
Tiens, tout le monde se sert la main à la fin de leur matchs, sauf toi et Ryan...:p Full brackets here:...
lol no, it was "chope qui donne des boissons" which means "throw what gives drinks.":D
TOP 8 VF5FS stream: [media] 17:04 & 19:21 : I don't care !!!
Where is the dislike button ? :D
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