I don't know which characters you are using, but some of them have fantastic moves to fly over constant 2P spam. Check out Vanessa offensive...
If you have the spare time, can afford the travel, and don't mind all the cameras, I would say go 100%, even just to spectate and say hi to the...
Hey Nem, you're in Greece right, and on Live? We will play soon, and already added you on console :) I wonder who you use and what evenings are...
Ooh, I detected a Stargate inspiration theme the other day, which is quite apt, because Ra also starred in The Crying Game... which is how FS can...
Aoi 66K launch, then Pai cartwheels in with 6K+G, then does shoulder ram crumple with 466P+K, Aoi now spins back in with Tenchi low K going...
Damn, I was just about to buy part 5 because I saw on their forum that the S tier was composed of 4 girls, including Christie and Sarah, whom I...
Dabble with a few other chars and lose some matches to low number tags = demoted. The game mode that virtually forces you not to play it!
"Brown skin shinin' in the sun, hair slicked back, and those wayfarers on, baby" :) 8)
Xbox for Sega, Sony for Namco, plus ça change ~__^
Wow, big up the pure UK room we had going earlier tonight, very rare to coordinate: Cheeky, Orgone, Zombie and Mr crazy drunk Sake, brucking us...
He has been playing just Sarah over Live pretty much since it came out. Some people thought he was a troll, because he mostly just backs off, and...
After endless matches rushing in and getting launched for half bar, now time to play the back-off, range game with Pai. 7K+G, 4K+G, 4P & 3K!
Good games everyone I ran into through the various rooms last few days. Such a delight to still see people playing with all different styles....
Welcome to VF Live, hope you really enjoy the game and find others to jam with! You might want to give a rough location and time-zone for play, so...
Amazing, and hopefully ground-breaking tournament of course, loved watching the stream in real-time, but my goodness, that karaoke clip is just...
Mmh, after a long afternoon of frenetic Shun play, time for some peach schnapps, ice 'n' a slice :) Cheers!
I thought LA did a good job towards the end on the mic, obviously as a Shun player himself, breaking down some of what was happening from the JP...
Wait, everyone in DoA has a low reversal? o_O I wouldn't say Aoi's are that expert, as on a decent connection, a reasonably well timed 1P+K...
Fair play mate, welcome aboard. I'm sure you'll soon become extra nasty with dat Brad ;) He has some hilarious special poses when you get the...
Pai~Shun! ;) He is kind of a sub for me too, loads of great moves and throws hehe, get those drinks up, wobble wobble! :D
Separate names with a comma.