Even if you have no intention to use twitter, doesn't take much effort to open a web page and see for yourself. With the twitter handle being...
Haha, that Photoshop part a joke or are you serious? Not sure how hard it is for you to open Twitter :/ Also, don't forget that other users have...
Sounds like fun but yeah, we need a good idea of how many will be around on the Friday for this to work.
There's that handy column that tells you if the game is indeed exclusive to that one platform or if it's just an exclusive on consoles :/ The...
You've never heard of DoDonPachi? Oh yeah, I forgot shmups barely exist on PS3 :( Not sure what your point is with Once Upun a monster etc,...
I know you love that Sony but might be worth using google once in a while....
The first test used DLC and the combo failed, i'm going to have fun finding an Akira combo that does 6+ hits without that move :)
Exactly, publishers can force you to sign into their servers to play their game. End of the day Sony's and MS's policies about the DRM issue are...
Quite surprised that they will be charging full price for this :/ It looked fun after those last few trailers and i'm glad Leon is back but the...
[4][6][P][+][K] for both tests and CPU was set to defensive move and recover in place. EDIT: Look at my combo list, i've typed the input out for...
Ok :/ With Akira... Test 1. [3][3][P] > [6][K][P] > DLC > Wallhit > [2_][6][P][P] This wouldn't work after the wall hit, so the counter...
Haven't tested this out yet (not even sure if I have combo's over 6 hits lol) but are you sure it's not just a result of the meaty hitting the...
Yeah but if it's not in Sony's hands then they bullshitted right? That quote from the article implies publishers can create and implement whatever...
I was eating a snickers :(
Eh? http://kotaku.com/third-party-publishers-will-have-final-say-on-used-game-512643240 Sounds like exactly the same deal as Xbox One? That's...
2009 lolz :confused:
Don't think anyone has posted about this yet. [IMG]
Fell to sleep after the Square Enix reveals but from what I've read Sony killed it. I've hated the PS brand for as long as I can remember but...
Been in development for ages, was supposed to be a Kinect game for 360. Guess it and games like Ryse got pushed back to sell the xbox one at launch.
Separate names with a comma.