There's a better than average chance that Namco gave Sega a list of characters to use, and Sega just had to make it work as best they could....
Is there any indication that this update is going to be more than just a costume pack? - upgrade netcode - fix room network indicators - bring...
Been a Pad user since forever. I used a DS3 in the Final Showdown days. Now I'm on a DS4. Tried the Dual Sense, but found the Dpad to be less...
From what I understand, the ranked queue is not region locked. I could be wrong about that though. If you have your search settings wide enough...
lol, bruh, you didn't have to broadcast my ass whoopin'
This was my first thought as well. However, if I switch stance for Sarah (P+K+G) the results remain the same. DM1 cannot evade, but DM2 can....
[MEDIA] Explanation: Sarah's K+G is a full circular high that forces sideturn on normal and counter hit. On counter hit, she is at +9 advantage...
Ah ok, so the crouch animation is throwable, but not hittable. That makes sense now. I wish the game explained that somewhere though. I was...
I'm gonna hijack this thread for my own frame data question. If it takes 7 frames to be considered crouching, why can I duck a 12f high attack...
There's a penalty for disconnecting? I haven't had a lot of rage quits, but I have seen a handful. What was the penalty? Also, I hope they fix...
-10 disadvantage = Your opponent has a guaranteed throw opportunity -11 disadvantage = Characters with 11f attacks get guaranteed damage -12 and...
:( Welp, that sucks... Hopefully this is just a beta thing. But I'm doubtful.
I've seen a few people post on reddit about it. Some ugly Brads and Takas. It looks like it might just be a glitch with the RGG engine the game is...
I'm curious if these tournaments are going to have any region requirements at all.
This will obviously depend on your region and other factors, but for me (and I'm going to assume most people) the "golden hour" is during the...
She has an 11 frame jab and kick from flamingo stance. Sadly, everything else you said is true. Most of her good stuff is locked behind stance...
Pretty awesome of Sega to show some love to the VFDC community. Without this site I don't think the game would be nearly as popular as it is...
Good games to everyone helping me knock the rust painful ass whoopin' at a time...:(
For the sake of my mental health, I'm going to need Sega to work on that netcode. If I catch one more laggy Lei Fei flipping and dancing across...
So far I'm happy to have VF upgraded and seeing a bunch of new faces. Also great to have a bunch of vets jumping back in for a few rounds....
Separate names with a comma.