Here's the Jacky Master rank my sister got (this was back in 2009 actually). It was the first time either of us got the rank for any player. [ATTACH]
LOL, Myke! I know I'm a little in over my head, but it's an interesting project for me nonetheless. I've been playing these games for so many...
Trying to figure out exactly how ranking mode ranks players. I made a couple posts in the vault with some preliminary conclusions. Fight on!
Just looked at my other post in how I said I got 7th Dan with Akira in VF1 with 820 total points and 155 style points. Now I'm starting to believe...
As both me and my sister continue earning ranks from VF1 and Remix, we're trying to take more pictures to give more clues as to how ranking mode...
These rankings are much older (notice the old school TV? LOL!). I did not have any pics of Pai's but I got low ranking expert as my highest. I...
I'm still trying to figure out how ranks from Remix correlate with ranks from VF1. I thought 8th Dan would be High Ranking Expert, but I'm not so...
I found a few strategy guide books on EBay for both Virtua Fighter and Virtua Fighter Remix! Unfortunately, they're all in Japanese. However,...
Marveling at quiquiriqui's ranking mode playlist:
Still continuing trying to get all Master ranks. Again, I always followed the "master's advice" after each attempt, like "use a throw move for...
I'm still looking for answers about the ranking mode system in Virtua Fighter 1 and Virtua Fighter Remix. If anyone knows, please help. Thnx
Thanks for helping to look into the VF1 ranking system! I know no one else who plays let alone who would know.
Thanks for the help about the VF1 ranking system! I know no one else who plays let alone who would know.
This is the link for the VF2 Ranking Mode FAQ: Of course not all of these moves...
I'm hoping someone out there has some answers. Interestingly, I used a VF2 FAQ that outlines ranking mode move requisites, and style points seem...
If anyone has any knowledge about Ranking Mode for VF1/VF Remix, please respond in the thread I left in the vault. Thanks, and fight on!
Hello, I could really use anyone's old school knowledge for help on Ranking Mode for these two games. I've been playing them on and off for 20...
Hello Virtua Fighters! I'm introducing myself as a new user and long time player of Virtua Fighter. I started playing Virtua Fighter back when I...
Separate names with a comma.