[IMG] The second North American Qualifier for Global Showdown is coming up, and all NA VF players are eligible to enter! Since instituting the...
Challonge link to enter - Please read rules and code of conduct carefully. Discord link [IMG] The first North American Qualifier for Global...
Celebrate the release of Ultimate Showdown with the VF Community! We're looking to invite new players, along with those who haven't played in a...
[IMG] https://challonge.com/NYCVFJuly2020XBL Register here
[IMG] https://challonge.com/NYCVFJuly2020PSN To sign up!
challonge.com/nycvffebruary2020[IMG] Register Now
[IMG] Very excited to "keep it going, guys!" Next monthly will be as hot as Lau's wok, baby!
After a VF-rest post DTN, we're ready to start back up again! Sorry I had a family vacation, so no custom art this time guys. Venue $10 Entry $10...
I was able to secure stream space at Next Level for the Friday and Saturday of DTN weekend. As many of you know, the VF tournament is Sunday and...
[IMG] I'm trying to get newer players to join up, so if any new player wants to join I will pay their entry.
After Winterbrawl 3D, I was excited to see what we could do at other FGC events. I was all too happy to accept the opportunity to run a community...
[IMG] We're starting it up again this month! Register HERE!
[IMG] REGISTER HERE BigE Gaming has been really generous to VF this year. We got equal treatment with games that had 20 times more people than...
Last month we had a pretty good time at WinterBrawl 3D. Even with only 6 players we had a competitive and fun tournament, and the event itself was...
I’m going to start by saying that this poll will influence our decision on when to run NYG. That being said, it is important that only people who...
Virtua Fighter is having a great 2019, as LAG and now Big E Gaming WinterBrawl3D have shown. While attendance was on the low side, the presence of...
[IMG] REGISTER NOW! We're starting at 6:00 this time. It usually takes us a while to get going, so while I am sorry for those who it...
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