GAMES: Street Fighter 5 Super Smash Brothers 4 Ultra Street Fighter 4 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Mortal Kombat XL Guilty Gear Xrd Tekken Tag...
Smurf come down on saturday!
If you want to donate to I Fix Machine arcade then here is link. This money does not go to me! it goes to the me ordering parts to make more cabs...
WHOA! that's a good price!
if you guys can make it tomorrow then come by the shop! tomorrow! we now have a couple more of fighters that live here playing street fighter V to...
Only on Saturday its VF guys
I think soke coming by the place tonight
Tomorrow another day of gaming if you guys want to come by and kick some asses! lets go!
NLBC On sunday with cruz! I'm gonna be there!! hope to see you guys down there as well!
Gonna be updating everything here at this site! Hint NYGX 2.....
crazy games today! at my shop! Sf5 plus VF! ggs to cruz and alec
when we having BG coming to I fix machine on saturday! youi next baby! lets go! yo we need smurf! my boy!
Yea baby! people start coming by 1pm or 3pm to play! but i'm open till 11pm on saturday Props to tricky for coming out! if you bring your own...
[IMG] This was last Saturday!! [IMG]
It's all the time Saturday now. Were not doing anymore sundays! Also I wanted to give props to SDS! for coming this saturday! Thanks man!
also Props to suddendeath sal! for coming out! Thanks man!
We also wanted to give props to Art Sanchez for helping us host the game on his channel! you guys can find him at
Wanted to give props for ward esports for coming down and checking out the place and meeting the players! if you guys want to check the app out... Another causal play! at I fix machine! if you guys want to make it! or stay home and watch!
Separate names with a comma.