All of Jeffry's moves that you can punish on block!
Jacky's moves that can be punished on block.
Goh's moves that can be punished on block.
All of El Blazes moves that you can punish when blocked!
Showing off which moves you can punish when you block them! Sorry for the audio glitches, had a couple problems.
All of Brad's moves that you can punish when blocked!
All of Aoi's moves that you can punish when blocked!
New Series! I've decided to give everyone a visual aid of punishment opportunities for the entire cast of VF....
READ INFO: Stagger hits and ground throws are escapable (when the stagger turns red)
VF5FS Brackets and Finals -- Watch live at - czech VF site
The finals where so insane, unbeliavable.
That sounds actually great. I will be happy for ANY community here :o)
If they are able to meet like every week, I will say that in a long run, it may be more beneficial that downgrading in fact. But for the start, it...
How many players are there to work with?
Streaming a bit of VF on !
Is anyone here (EU specifically) playing League of Legends? :o)
sorry for no stream today, feeliing incredibely sick :o(
so people are nor dead nor retired, they are just not playing VF at all :) * @Unicorn disaperas back to League of Legends Anyway if there will je...
Separate names with a comma.