Start of the 4th Quarter 2023. Soft reset to the harrowing race to the top of the food chain! 38A - daRockReaper (BL) 38B - jimi Claymore (AO)...
The December 9-10 date was mentioned by Tetsuko Yamada in Twitter. She is the organizer of the Japanese side for Global Showdown and the dates are...
Hi'en TenshinshÅ Special Mid move that on crouch guard does not cause opponnent to be downed. Should be -5 frame listed in the notes section....
Akai Leagues Europe Edition!? - posting to get a feel for interest. Likely Saturday evening "Europe" time. Which is "Afternoon" my time.
As of right now, I am just determing the total frames of Eileen's move to look back at more examples of the timing to when Pai does [K] or BT [K]....
October 1st - Sunday League session for North America, beginning the 4th Quarter of 2023
[MEDIA] Third player to represent Japan is Tonchan (Tonkatsu). I believe Global Showdown is tentatively scheduled December 9-10.
[ATTACH] A1 & B1 - Eileen avoids Pai low sweep from rising with 236P+KP. Top frame counter is relative to Pai's sweep animation. Frame 35 is when...
@Myke - a minor typo for all semicircular attacks avoidable by evading to the back side. opponent instead of opponenet's
This past Sunday, I was in the down position, in which my opponent Tricky Eileen ran torward me. - I chose to do a rising low sweep [2][K] and...
37th VF5US Sunday Session, open league winners: 37A - jimi Claymore (LI) 37B - Tricky (EI) 37C - Setsuna X (AK) Soft reset to the harrowing race...
Update, NEC 2023 has changed dates - [MEDIA]
September 24 - Last Sunday league session for the 3rd Quarter in North America.
36th VF5US Sunday Session, open league winners: 36A - jimi Claymore (GO) 36B - jimi Claymore (WO) 36C - Akai (PA) One last session for the...
Just some notes, so I won't forget to update from this past weekend - Kyushu Bay Area Cup - Southern region of Japan. This makes the third...
VF5US at NEC 2023 - December 1-3, Philadelphia, PA greater metropolitan area
Akai Leagues - 36th Sunday session on September 17. In addition, I planned to be streaming daily with a focus on creating content.
35th Open League winners: 35A - DudeLookItsKyle (JA) -1st win in the Akai Leageues 35B - Setsuna X (AK) 35C - Chanchai (LI) [ATTACH] 2 more...
34th Open League Results: 34A - Setsuna X (AK) 34B - daRockReaper (BL) 34C - daRockReaper (BL) [IMG] 35th Sunday session today.
Not very enigmatic, but definitely of interest to VFers [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.