6pm good?
This is the LAST RAW until July! That's cool tho, don't let games get in the way of real life
@BBountyHuntyr who are you playing?
Good? @DigitlSamurai (Jacky) vs. @VFhayato (Goh), FT5, 6:30pm EST @Sindanez (Lei-Fei) vs @AngryFlyingChop (????), FT7, 7pm EST @Swordfish2 (Wolf)...
aaaah, my bad, i keep forgetting that! I'll fix it
Good? Sunday Night R.A.W. #51 -- The LAST Sunday Night R.A.W. of Season #1!! -- @Sindanez (Lei-Fei) vs @AngryFlyingChop (????), FT7, 7pm EST...
oh yeah, @DigitlSamurai? gonna play?
yo @Zekiel , you got done blowing me up for free in PSN player match earlier today. I want to run it back, would you like to do a RAW FT7...
@Sindanez needs an opponent for this Sunday's RAW, the LAST one before hiatus!! Who's gonna be the one man enough to step up to the...
aight, @Shidosha vs @oneida is on! :D
if SB said that then my bad, i totally missed that. it still sounds like a trap tho :p but if you both agree to 9pm, hey who cares, it doesnt...
wow, i cant believe you are falling so easily into @SNAKE BOSS ' painfully obvious trap
yo, wheres @Shidosha at??? are you gonna fight @oneida?
7pm good?
you can get 7pm then
@Kamais_Ookin vs @SNAKE BOSS @Sindanez vs ???? (needs an opponent) @Swordfish2 vs @VFhayato @oneida vs. @Shidosha (confirm?) anyone else?
what time is good for you guys?
thank @MrAnnual
well, vf is a fast and deep game. theres alot to keep track of, and DEFINITELY more to keep track of than sc5 (i was a soul player before a...
lol, no reason to bash yourself. what youre experiencing now, everyone on this website has experienced at some point. the only difference...
Separate names with a comma.