Bstar will be free to wolf's dmpk.
somebody sounds like they know they're already going to lose the bet.
Then it looks like the match isn't happening. Come back when the match is worth my time.
How about u follow ur own advice. Grow some balls and except my challenge. Don't worry, I will take my rings off.
Telling me to grow some balls when u have dodged every match thrown at u. Rofl I'm not making promises about going to nyg, but how about u make...
I will accept your offline match as soon as u give @Stl_Tim and @Jason Elbow their offline matches. Until then would u kindly get off my dick.
Sorry ducksause, but if I go to nyg it wouldn't be cause of u. We all know your just going to dodge.
Is it that dark souls ripoff moba called reverse souls?
Btw I'm just a state away so if u start hosting a tournament I will more than likely come
"The more we talk about VF6, the more likely it will come." I literally just did a spit take. Lets add another 25 pages of guys who never play...
Great show to all the players that showed up. That top 8 is some of the hypest matches I've seen in a long time. All hail the Lucha champion...
Rare was hot dogging.
I will be getting it around next week so add me on psn. PSN: ShinyBrentford
Dominion is kind of neat, cause in one hand u have cod/battlefield players that know how work as a team and then u have fgc guys knowing the 1v1...
I throw u in the fires of combat and now ur coming out on top. The fires of combat being that bonfire i kept throwing u into when u were trying to...
Yeah we are starting to be on the same page I would put the Guard Break moves(red broken shield) under Unblockables, cause they can be evaded. If...
No. I've been calling the button push moves "throws" and the glowing moves "Guardbreaks". I know the game calls it a guardbreak, but LBH it's the...
That's the throw mechanic of the game which can be broken with a well timed square or just start mashing like in FS. I enjoyed this game a lot and...
Separate names with a comma.