First about covering both sides, there s no mid so 6_k or 4pk is vs ecd useless. 2k+g is -15 so if it s blocked or evaded on good side and since...
I ll drop here my opinion. Ds or os is depending also of char u play against and style of player. For exemple vs abare players os will be good to,...
Me vs kingo ft10 anytime :)
I used it yesterday now the score appear, all i dreamt about... ty rod
Discovered another combo for ds 6kp vs aoi easier. 6kp>p>4p+k> then kk in// or 66pp /\ 76 and 75 dmg. I forgot those i discovered. I l try to use...
don t worry u did well bro =) u missed just some wall combos set ups but nothing tragic. well done
Me too bro u re a smart player offline would be great. I m motivate for nygxi if it happens i could make it... it could be the opportunity. But...
Lol even if this time u beat me more it s more entertainin. I enjoyed. Except those ro set ups lol i hate that!!!
ok, just curiosity bro, not a request, u can use who u want. Btw i m in ranked, waitin u
@Jacko why didn t u use Sarah?
ggs vfdc mods that was an awesome battle Nwo too, flash u did well
i found another combo not listed on combo list vs wolf and jeffry: [3][3][P][+][K]>[P]>[1][P][P]>[4][K][P] Close stance 73 dmg. Vs jeffry or both...
mh, maybe it s only on dojo command list u can t see the stagger ty
I have my personnal custom i ll show u when we ll play
that feelin with taka when in a combo u do 43p and u get only 3p @_@
@Mister tested on van
wait, i test it there is no stagger when the opponent get hit, that s why i asked for that... But it was tested while i did the dojo command list...
@MarlyJay the case have to be strict, i think the opponent have to be barely a dash far from the walll and get a ch (this is not verified but...
when i do hcf p+k on hit it doesn t write ho much advantage it is but it seems that even 33p connect on hit combo, anyone test it?
I found a combo not listed on combo list. I tested it just vs van but it seems to be doable vs chars of same weight and wegthless...
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